Bug Identifier

Let's start to discover the world of bugs! Upload your picture and experience the metamorphosis!

Millions of Bug Types

The Bug Identifier can detect more than 7 million species in seconds. The variety of bugs enriches our world and makes us happy to search, discover, and add more to our data. The spiders, bees, butterflies, Cicadas, and more from all around the world are one touch away!

Bug Identification

Whether you have one snap or multiple pictures, our bug identification service can identify the bug you want to learn about in seconds. While the plant may vary, the certainty of identification remains constant at 99.9%. You won't need to double-check – our accuracy rate speaks for itself!

Collection Management

Capture your bug discoveries and keep them with our collection section! This feature allows you to effortlessly view, showcase, or share your findings with friends, people, or fellow bug enthusiasts. Seamlessly manage your collection by integrating notes and photos. Start creating your collection with us today!


We center our collection around you, with user satisfaction always being our top priority. Your exploration experience quality is crucial for us. Establish your collection with us and enjoy a seamless experience with our app across iOS, Android, and the web.

Our collection is community
Coins helps companies communicate product updates and news to their customers, increase feature adoption.


User-friendly and accurate! I'm no entomologist, but this bug identifier made me feel like one. Easy to use, and the satisfaction of knowing the bugs around me makes me feel both happy and safe to communicate and understand them.



Our teacher asked us to discover a specific type of bug, and I didn't know where to start. After downloading the Bug Identifier, I found myself immersed in the world of bugs. The notes I took have also improved significantly, thanks to you!



Love the collection feature! Not only does it identify bugs accurately, but the collection section also allows me to document and share my insect discoveries easily. Spider species are wide and hard to follow with accuracy. You have everything that I need, and all the info is great!



I'm a butterfly lover and have always wanted to learn more about butterflies. I started hiking with groups and taking pictures of butterflies. When I came home, I would try to identify the ones I discovered. Now, I simply use Bug Identifier to take the picture, and all the information is in my pocket! Besides, I'm adding it to my collection to find it easily again.



Educational and fun! Perfect for both beginners and bug enthusiasts. The bug identifier not only helps with identification but also sparks an interest in learning more about insects. Very satisfied! Thanks for the service and design.



I started using Bug Identifier one year ago, and it's so easy to use. The results are reliable and accurate! Whether it's common bugs or more obscure ones, this identifier hasn't let me down. User satisfaction is high, and I appreciate the app's reliability.

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